
師資 | 教練團隊

“All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them.” – Magic Johnson

The Coaching Staff at GDS comes from all over the world! Together, they do have one main thing in common: the LOVE for teaching and inspiring kids of al ages! At GDS, all of our coaches have lengthy years of experience in their expert field and have all lived in Taiwan for quite some time to spread their positivity. They all have their own unique sets of talents and personalities that are seen in their coaching style.


Anusthaan Bahadur Singh

Hometown / Nationality:

– U16 Nepal no.4 Tennis player
– National Chin-Yi University Tennis team
– 2 years coaching experience
– Current University no.4 Tennis player

Do you want to join our team?

If you or you know somebody who is interested in joining our team of fun-loving GDS instructors, please feel free to contact us.